Tag Archives: Career Transition

Time to refresh your career?

“Who do you want to be?” is a question we ask young adults until, almost arbitrarily, we begin to assume this decision has been made. It’s in the past. Whoever you are, that’s it. You have decided, we might think… despite the fact that so many of us still carry that question within ourselves. Who am I? Who do I want to be?

Navigate Change and Overcome Failure

Let’s be honest here. We all want to make some changes in our lives. Maybe it’s your job, or your relationships, or even your business. Or maybe there’s a passion, like writing, that you wish you had more time for. Face Failure Head-On Here’s the real deal: When you try something new, there’s a chance

Self-Development; Key to Escaping a Dead End

Thoughtful man in a abstract and complex maze . Journey of success concept . This is a 3d render illustration .

When Quinn (not her real name) and I started our coaching call, she was feeling distressed, telling me “I’ve just had this huge insight that my job isn’t going to stick around as long as I’m depending on it, and I’m terrified!” She said she had been reading the signs, seeing the writing on the